The productive factors and education in the production of tarwi in the Northern Highland of Bolivia
Gladys J. Chipana Mendoza; Rubén Jacobo Trigo Riveros; Hugo Bosque Sánchez; Sven Erik Jacobsen; Geovana Mercado Ramos; Iber Callisaya Estrada; Edwin Contreras Fernández; Justina Condori Mamani
Lupine, production, Cobb Douglas functions, Bolivian North highlandAbstract
In Bolivia the tarwi (Lupinos mutabilis) along with other Andean grains are considered as golden grains, which production is based on the analysis of technical efficiency, economic and sustainability. The production functions are based on the development of parametric methodologies, factors and products to become the best making decision, which in turn has influence the education of the farmer. Research carried out in a community in the northern highland of Bolivia indicates that families produce tarwi trying to minimize production costs. The objectives of this research were to estimate the influence of education on the production function of tarwi in the community of Markahilata. The methodology consisted in the execution of 31 socio - economic surveys under simple random sampling for a finite population, the methodology to reach these objectives through the application of Cobb - Douglas functions, contrasting hypotheses about random perturbations such as non normality, autocorrelation, heteroscedaticity and Multicollinearity. The main results show that the seed and hand factors found in the second phase of production, while the surface and machinery are used in the third stage production. The study of the influence of education shows that educational level 1 and 2 have positive effects on surface and machinery, with negative effects on labor and seed. The Markahilata community is a clear example of the situation of several tarwi producing communities in the Bolivian North highland region where some factors are efficiently used while others need support for better production.
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