Variables related to the culinary quality of the bitter potato Solanum Juzepczukii and Solanum curtilobum
Bitter potato, Solanum juzepczukii, S. curtilobum, culinary qualityAbstract
The production and consumption of bitter potatoes is in decline, resulting in genetic erosion. According to consumers, bitter potato varieties are different in the taste of the tuber, which has not been studied. Therefore, it has been proposed to evaluate the specific gravity, dry matter and starch content and culinary quality. Bitter potato samples were collected from Marka Aransaya. Dry matter content was determined by dry weight and fresh weight, specific gravity by volumetric weight and flotation in salt solutions, starch content and its characteristics in laboratory (LAYSA s.r.l.), culinary quality by cooking time and direct tasting. The specific gravity by the volumetric method. In S. juzepczukii it varies from 0.985 to 1.124 g cm-3 and in S. curtilobum from 1.002 to 1.042 g cm-3 and by the salt solution method it varies from 1.091 to 1.108 g cm-3 in S. juzepczukii; and 1.096 to 1.115 g cm-3 in S. curtilobum. The dry matter content varies between 18.5 (Q′aysa 2) and 30.4 % (K′awna Luk′i). The Qita variety has 24 % dry matter and the Muruq variety Luk′i 19.5 %. The starch content of both species is similar. The gelatinization temperature of S. juzepczukii starch is 76 to 92 °C and of S. curtilobum from 79 to 86 °C. The cooking time varies between 60 and 115 minutes. The Chuqipitu and Umaluru varieties are not very bitter and the Qita and Muruq Luki varieties are neutral in taste. In conclusion, the bitter potato varieties present diversity in specific gravity, dry matter, starch content and culinary quality.
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