Physical characteristics of the fiber of llama (Lama glama) at the first shearing in the association of aymara municipalities
Poma G. , Ayala C.
Camelids, llama, fiber, quality, textileAbstract
The producers of the MMASF Association of Aymara Municipalities Without Borders of Bolivia, still have serious difficulties in the use of the llama fiber, this due to the lack of knowledge of its physical characteristics of the fiber, which limits the productive alternatives. The fiber in young flames at the first shearing, shows the physical characteristics for its use in the textile industry. Were colected 526 fiber samples in the three types of llamas existing in the region (Q'ara, Intermedia and T'amphulli), differentiated by sex and age, between one and two years. The analysis was carried out in the INIAF-Oruro fiber laboratory, in which the fiber length, number of curls, fiber diameter, coefficient of variation of fiber diameter, comfort factor and medulation were determined, using OFDA 2000. The shades classified in various colors were also determined. The results for fiber without descerda on average were: 8.83 cm fiber length, 7.90 number of curls / inch, 23.46 µ diameter, 44.50 % coefficient of variation of fiber diameter and 86.83 % comfort factor in raw fiber. The analysis for manually descerned fiber, the following averages were obtained: 21.05 µ of fiber diameter, 27.64% coefficient of variation of the fiber diameter and 93.49 % of comfort factor, which allowed to improve the category of the fiber, of first quality for fiber without de-stripping to fine quality with de-stripping fiber. Regarding the medulation of the fibers, the following were obtained: 52.22 % of non-medullated fibers, 22.64 % of partially medulated fibers, 22.42 % of medullated fibers and 2.72 % of fully medulated fibers. The estimated fiber production volume in the llamas at their first shearing was 662.8 kg and the classification with 22 shades of natural colors.
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