Technical impact of the Rural Alliances Project, through the analysis of the milk production function in the municipality of Tiahuanaco
Ángel Gonzales; Yakov Arteaga
production function, average physical product, marginal physical product, Coob-DouglasAbstract
Dairy production is part of the generation of family economic income, nevertheless, there are risks due to the variability in temperature, precipitation, hail, frost and drought. The associations of producers are part of the link in the dairy production chain. The objective of the work is to estimate the production function to determine the technical impact of the Rural Alliances Project, in the Wancollo producers association, considering three situations that are; before the execution of the project, for the producers who participated in the project and for the producers who did not participate in the project during the execution of the project. The work was developed in the community of Wancollo, municipality of Tuahuanaco, the collection of information was through 115 surveys whose information consisted of milk production, number of head of cattle, consumption of forage, consumption of feed, labor and number of people involved in milk production, these data were evaluated by applying the Coob-Douglas model. The values of the PFMe and PFMg were calculated in order to establish the distribution of the variables in the phases of the production function. In the three situations evaluated, the producers are using the number of head of cattle in the production phase I, where there are no losses and the economic income of the production is not maximized. The consumption of balanced feed, labor and number of people involved in milk production are in phase II, which indicates its use in the economic optimum. The project had a positive technical impact on production due to the fact that labor went from phase III to phase II of the production function, due to the group and individual technical assistance that improved efficiency in livestock management.
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