Yield of four maize (Zea maiz L.) varieties established at the Sapecho Experimental Station, Alto Beni, Bolivia
Jaime Mamani Vargas, Marco Antonio Echenique Quezada
Zea maize L., yield, variety, Alto BeniAbstract
Corn is a crop grown mainly for human consumption and animal feed, and is produced in subtropical, tropical and valley areas. This research was carried out using four local and improved varieties, with the objective of evaluating the yield of corn, two local varieties (Cubano amarillo and Pisingallo) and two improved varieties (Pairumani Compuesto 20 and Aychasara 101) were evaluated at the Sapecho Experimental Station, the analysis of variance was carried out under a randomized complete block experimental design with three replications, for the significance tests the Fisher test was used with a significance level of (p<0. 05), ear length, ear diameter, ear weight with husk, ear weight without husk, ear weight without husk, 100 kernel weight and yield were evaluated. The variety that obtained the greatest ear length was Pairumani Compuesto 20 with 13.87 cm, the one with the least length was Pisingallo with 11.49 cm, with reference to ear diameter, the one with the greatest diameter was Aychasara 101 with 4.58 cm and the one with the least diameter was Pisingallo with 2.78 cm, the variety with the greatest ear weight with husk was Cubano Amarillo with 95.98 g and the one with the least weight was Pisingallo with a weight of 25.35 g. For ear weight, the variety with the greatest ear weight with husk was Cubano Amarillo with 95.98 g and the one with the least weight was Pisingallo with a weight of 25. 35 g; for the weight of the ear without husk, the variety that had the highest weight was Aychasara 101 with 41.90 g, and the lowest weight was Pisingallo with 20.17 g; for the weight of 100 grains, the variety that had the highest weight was Aychasara 101 with 41.90 g and the lowest weight was Pisingallo 20 with 17 g; with respect to grain yield, the highest yield was Aychasara 101 with 2.25 t ha-1, Cubano Amarillo recorded 1.92 t ha-1, Pairumani Compuesto 20 with 1.64 t ha-1 and Pisingallo obtained a yield of 1.11 t ha-1.
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