Physical characterization and conversion factors of specialty coffee in the Agrotakesi farm, municipality of Yanacachi - La Paz, Bolivia
Carlos López Blanco
Coffea arabica,, variety typica,, weight, density, conversion factorsAbstract
The physical properties and coffee conversion factors used in Yungas coffee production are based on Colombian coffee production (MOJSA/PL-480 Project) and on some formulas obtained for the Caranavi coffee-growing area (ANDITRADE - AGRICAV S.A. Company), without considering the influence of the different factors involved in the coffee production chain in the Yungas. The study characterized the physical properties and conversion factors of specialty coffee of the typica variety (Coffea arabica) in the Agrotakesi farm, located in the municipality of Yanacachi, Sud Yungas province of the department of La Paz. The harvest of the second semester of 2013 was evaluated through the traditional processing process, with selected samples, taking the variables mass balance, bulk density, weight, humidity and conversion ratios between types of coffee beans. The results of the variables studied showed no differences in the harvesting process. The mass balance determined that 65.25 % of the initial mass is removed in the pulping, washing and threshing stages of the coffee, 18.11 % corresponds to the water removed during drying, and only 16.64 % is transformed into the finished product (12 % humidity). The apparent density in kg m-3, was 705 for cherry coffee, 772 for baba coffee, 748 for washed coffee, 407 for parchment coffee and 738 for gold coffee; with a threshing loss of 17.60 % and a yield factor of 90.63 kg with the attribute of high quality specialty coffee. The physical properties and conversion factors obtained for the typica variety, in the Agrotakesi farm, are the basis for future studies of physical characterization of the coffee bean for other coffee growing zones of the Yungas.
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