Effect of three levels of aerobic liquid organic fertilizer in the production of spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) at the Cota Cota Experimental Center

Karen Eloiza Carrasco Nina; Eduardo Chilon Camacho; Carlos Mena Herrera


  • Karen Eloiza Carrasco Nina Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia. eloren_90@hotmail.com
  • Eduardo Chilon Camacho Docente, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia.
  • Carlos Mena Herrera Docente, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia.


aerobic liquid organic fertilizer, Spinacea oleracea L., agronomic variables


The production of vegetables in Bolivia is intensive, with the use of chemical fertilizers contaminating the soil, water and human health. As an alternative, organic agriculture, aerobic liquid organic fertilizer (AOLA), which improves soil fertility, is an alternative. resistance and vigor to crops. It is for this reason that the objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of three levels of AOLA in the production of spinach in a solar tent of the Cota Cota Experimental Center. The AOLA was evaluated in doses of 0, 10, 20 and 30% under a completely randomized design, the evaluated variables were percentage of emergence, number of leaves, length of the leaf, width of the leaf, height of the plant and weight of biomass. The emergency percentage was 85.71%. For the number of leaves per plant, of the three harvests, it was observed that the T2 presented the highest average in the third harvest with 13.33 leaves, in the other crops the trend was similar. As for the length of the leaf, of the three harvests made, the highest average was for T2 with 19 cm. The width of the leaf was greater with 15.67 cm for the T2 in the third harvest, in the height of the plant, the T2 obtained the highest average in the third harvest with 30.33 cm. For the biomass weight variable per plant, the highest average was T2 with 56 g in the first harvest. In conclusion, it can be deduced that the most efficient AOLA level and the greatest response to the variables was with the concentration of 20% applied in T2.


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How to Cite

Carrasco Nina, K. E., Chilon Camacho, E., & Mena Herrera, C. (2018). Effect of three levels of aerobic liquid organic fertilizer in the production of spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) at the Cota Cota Experimental Center: Karen Eloiza Carrasco Nina; Eduardo Chilon Camacho; Carlos Mena Herrera. Revista De Investigación E Innovación Agropecuaria Y De Recursos Naturales, 5(1), 79–88. Retrieved from https://riiarn.umsa.bo/index.php/RIIARn/article/view/104



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