Production system of mango cultivation in the municipality of Irupana

Juan José Aparicio Porres; Juan P. Díaz


  • Juan José Aparicio Porres Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y de Recursos Naturales, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.
  • Juan P. Díaz Consultor Proyecto Alianza Rural, MDRyT.


organization of small producers, mango


The present research aims to study the competitiveness of the mango crop production system in the communities of Porotoco, Plazuela, Siquiljira, Chacahuga, Pola and Cieneguillas), Canton La Plazuela of the Municipality of Irupana of the Department of La Paz, with the purpose of Propose strategies for their improvement and sustainability in the medium term. The present study arose from information raised to develop business plans with the Rural Alliances project. This work required a diagnosis of the production system, with a characterization that allowed a deep analysis of the system’s operation, using a non - experimental methodological design, obtaining primary information.


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How to Cite

Aparicio Porres, J. J., & Díaz, J. P. (2015). Production system of mango cultivation in the municipality of Irupana: Juan José Aparicio Porres; Juan P. Díaz. Revista De Investigación E Innovación Agropecuaria Y De Recursos Naturales, 2(1), 98–104. Retrieved from



Sistemas de producción