Seed production of three varieties of native potato (Solanum andigenum sp.) from shoots by direct and indirect transplant, in a protected environment of the UAC-Tiahuanacu

Andrea Quispe Tito; Víctor Hugo Hilari Esteban; José Luis Casazola López; Félix Mamani Reynoso


  • Andrea Quispe Tito Unidad Académica Campesina de Tiahuanacu, Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo, Bolivia.
  • Víctor Hugo Hilari Esteban Docente, Unidad Académica Campesina de Tiahuanacu, Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo, Bolivia.
  • José Luis Casazola López Coordinador Técnico, Alternativas Agropecuarias (ALTAGRO), Bolivia.
  • Félix Mamani Reynoso Docente Investigador, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia.


native potato, capture, caliber, physiological maturity, weight, yield


Bolivia is one of the main centers of origin and diversification in potato, its cultivation extends to more than 125,000 ha, the use of sprouts allows high multiplication index, high production of good quality seed and pest reduction, it is for these reasons that the objective of the work was to produce and evaluate three varieties of native potato seed from outbreaks by direct transplant (TD) and indirect transplant (TI), in a greenhouse on the grounds of the UAC of Tiahuanaco. Imilla Negra (V1), Qhati Señorita (V2) and Saq'ampaya (V3) varieties were evaluated with TD and TI, resulting in six treatments with three repetitions under one DCA. The variables of study were: yield, height of assimilation, height to the flowering, height to the physiological maturity, number of tubers by plant, weight of tubers by plant, categorization by size and by weight, and yield. Analysis of variance, tests of means with Duncan and analysis of simple effects were carried out. The best percentage of capture was for V2 by TD and TI, in the height of capture, flowering and physiological maturity, higher heights were obtained in V1, followed by V2 and V3, higher number of tubers was obtained per plant in V2 with TD and IT. In the categorization by calibers, the highest average was for V3 in caliber II, V2 in caliber III and V3 for caliber IV, as well as higher yield per TD in the three varieties of native potato. Better results were obtained through the TD with V3, this shows the viability of the sowing by shoots of the native potato, in which good results of this vegetative part are obtained, which can be replicated by the producers to obtain a Proper production.


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How to Cite

Quispe Tito, A., Hilari Esteban, V. H., Casazola López, J. L., & Mamani Reynoso, F. (2018). Seed production of three varieties of native potato (Solanum andigenum sp.) from shoots by direct and indirect transplant, in a protected environment of the UAC-Tiahuanacu: Andrea Quispe Tito; Víctor Hugo Hilari Esteban; José Luis Casazola López; Félix Mamani Reynoso. Revista De Investigación E Innovación Agropecuaria Y De Recursos Naturales, 5(1), 59–70. Retrieved from



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