Integrated management strategies on yield and polyphenols in Fragaria x ananassa Duch




categories, production, components, strawberry, pests


The strategies of components for pest control lead to the lower use of pesticides in search of quality and innocuous products. The research was carried in the Fruit and Olericola Research Center of the Hermilio Valdizan National University of Huánuco, Peru. The objective was to evaluate the yield and content of polyphenols in strawberries under the effect of integrated management component strategies. In a randomized complete block design with three treatments: T1 (Biological control with Bacillus thuringiensis + cultural control + ethological control + chemical control); T2 (Biological control with Beauveria bassiana + cultural control + mechanical control + chemical control) and; T3 (Control: chemical control) and four repetitions, the performance was selected in categories (extra, first, second). T1 registered the highest average performance, for the extra and second categories; and in the first category, T2 denoted the highest average performance. The estimated yield per hectare, T2 reported 19 598.52 kg ha-1 followed by T1 with 19 401.4 statistically equivalent. Regarding the content of total polyphenols, T1 registered 910.13±26.68 µg AGE g-1, followed by T2 with 807.83±9.23 and T3 reported the lowest content with 732.68±23.35 µg AGE g-1. There is an influence of the component strategies used on the yield and content of polyphenols (AGE: gallic acid equivalent).


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How to Cite

Álvarez Benaute, L. M., Valverde-Rodriguez, A., & Briceno-Yen, H. (2023). Integrated management strategies on yield and polyphenols in Fragaria x ananassa Duch . Revista De Investigación E Innovación Agropecuaria Y De Recursos Naturales, 10(2), 15–21.

