Morphological and physiological characterization of native isolates of Beauveria brongniartii from field infected insects
entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria brongniartii, characterization, isolations, conidiaAbstract
The fungus Beauveria brongniartii has pathogenic activity on various insects in the Andean agroecosystem. However, studies in this field are scarce in the country. The objective of this study was to characterize morphologically and physiologically native isolates of the fungus, from insects infected in the field, at the Choquenaira Experimental Station, Viacha - Bolivia. Parasitized insects were collected from the field, isolated and characterized under morphological and physiological criteria in the laboratory. The variables evaluated were: analysis of isolates obtained, macroscopic morphological characteristics (growth, appearance, color, surface, pigmentation and synemas) and microscopic (hyphae, conidiophores, phialides, rachis, conidia) and physiological measurements (growth, conidiation and germination). Descriptive (morphological characters) and statistical (physiological characters) analysis was performed under complete randomized design, with ANVA, Duncan test, standard deviation (error ≤ 5 %). Five isolates were obtained from the hosts Phyllophaga sp., Premnotrypes sp (2), Astylus vittaticollis, Notiobia sp. (Bbr1, Bbr2, Bbr3, Bbr4 and Bbr5), denoting their adaptability, range and specificity on insects. The morphological analysis showed variation and similarity in their characteristics, the isolates belonging to the species B. brongniartii. The physiological analysis determined differences in conidiation, with Bbr5 standing out (5.95 x 107 c ml-1), and without differences in the variables radial growth (TDCR) and germination, with non-significant superiority of Bbr2 (39.20 mm and 1.91 mm day-1) and Bbr5 (94.20 %). The research carried out provides positive results since characterizing native isolates of B. brongniartii from infected insects confirms the potential of the species for future pathogenic characterization to obtain promising strains for the biological control of pests in the region.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos López Blanco, David Cruz Choque, Jorge Espinoza Almazán, Juan Javier Quino Luna
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