Nutritional elements in the production of biol fertilizer with different types of inputs and quantities of ruminal content of cattle - municipal slaughterhouse in La Paz

Mario Wilfredo Peñafiel Rodríguez; Delia Ticona G.


  • Mario Wilfredo Peñafiel Rodríguez Docente, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.
  • Delia Ticona G. Unidad Académica de Batallas, Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Católica Boliviana.


biol, ruminal content, biodigesters


In order to evaluate the nutritional elements in the biol fertilizer production that were obtained through different types of inputs and different amounts of ruminal contents of cattle slaughtered in the Municipal slaughterhouse of Achachicala, a solar tent was constructed to house 18 biodigesters with different treatments . We used the Completely Random Design distributed in a bifactorial arrangement with three replicates. The factors used were the amount of ruminal content (CR) and types of inputs; the treatments used were Factor A: Ruminal content E1=4 kg, E2=5 kg and E3=6 kg; Factor B: inputs D1=milk + molasses, D2=yogurt + molasses; each treatment had 3 replicates, for a total of 18 experimental units. The chemical characteristics were evaluated: electrical conductivity and pH; Nutritional characteristics such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfides and sulfates were also taken into account. The results obtained on the chemical characteristics were pH 6.84; Electrical conductivity with an average value of 1062.33 μScm. As for the nutritional characteristics, it was found that in the comparison of means in relation to the nitrogen component, the treatment 5 amounts of CR of 6 kg with an average of 256-50 mg/l had greater decomposition. On the other hand, in relation to the input factor used in this case milk + molasses with an average of 209.11 mg of N/I, this value indicates that this input has a good level of N. As for the soluble phosphorus Found an average of 168 mg/l and there were no significant differences; Of the same form for the rest of the nutritional components being 437, 67 mg/l of total phosphorus; 1807.72 mg/l soluble potassium; 1019.72 mg/l of soluble sodium; 465.5 mg/l of soluble calcium; 388 mg/l soluble magnesium; 2778 mg/l sulfide; 1173.5 mg/l of sulfate values ​​that are similar to those reported by other similar investigations.


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How to Cite

Peñafiel Rodríguez, M. W., & Ticona G., D. (2019). Nutritional elements in the production of biol fertilizer with different types of inputs and quantities of ruminal content of cattle - municipal slaughterhouse in La Paz: Mario Wilfredo Peñafiel Rodríguez; Delia Ticona G. Revista De Investigación E Innovación Agropecuaria Y De Recursos Naturales, 2(1), 87–90. Retrieved from



Producción de cultivos, fertilidad