Fungi and nematodes associated with weeds present in the coffee crop (Coffea arabica L.) in the central jungle of Perú

Leonel Alvarado-Huaman; Viviana Castro-Cepero; Jorge Luis Tejada-Soraluz; Ricardo Borjas-Ventura; Alberto Julca-Otiniano


  • Leonel Alvarado-Huaman Grupo Investigación en Agricultura y Desarrollo Sustentable en el Trópico Peruano, Facultad de Agronomía, Departamento Académico de Fitotecnia, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Perú.
  • Viviana Castro-Cepero Grupo Investigación en Agricultura y Desarrollo Sustentable en el Trópico Peruano, Facultad de Agronomía, Departamento Académico de Fitotecnia, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Perú.
  • Jorge Luis Tejada-Soraluz Departamento Académico de Fitotecnia, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Perú.
  • Ricardo Borjas-Ventura Grupo Investigación en Agricultura y Desarrollo Sustentable en el Trópico Peruano, Facultad de Agronomía, Departamento Académico de Fitotecnia, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Perú.
  • Alberto Julca-Otiniano Grupo Investigación en Agricultura y Desarrollo Sustentable en el Trópico Peruano, Facultad de Agronomía, Departamento Académico de Fitotecnia, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Perú.


Coffea arabica, host, weeds, fungi, nematodes


Weeds are one of the main factors that limit the production of coffee cultivation (Coffea arabica L.), they can also host pests and diseases. The objective of this work was to determine the fungi and nematodes present in the weed community associated with coffee cultivation in the central jungle of Perú. For the extraction of the nematodes, the "Baerman tray method" (soil) and the "blender method" (roots) were used. In the case of fungi, the usual techniques for the isolation of phytopathogenic fungi in a Phytopathology laboratory. The host weeds of pathogens found in this study belong to the families Asteraceae, Poaceae, Amaranthaceae, Rubiaceae, Pteridaceae and Araceae. The genera of phytopathogenic fungi found were Cercosporodium, Cercospora, Colletotrichum, Stagonospora, Mycosphaerella, Cercosporella, Phoma, Polythrincium and Didymella. The genera of phytopathogenic nematodes found were Meloidogyne, Helicotylenchus, Paratylenchus, Xiphinema, Tylenchulus, Tylenchus, Dolichodorus, Aphelenchus, Aphelenchoides. In addition to a species of Criconematidae, a Trichodoride and a Heteroderidae. Nematodes of free life were also found.


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How to Cite

Alvarado-Huaman, L., Castro-Cepero, V., Tejada-Soraluz, J. L., Borjas-Ventura, R., & Julca-Otiniano, A. (2019). Fungi and nematodes associated with weeds present in the coffee crop (Coffea arabica L.) in the central jungle of Perú: Leonel Alvarado-Huaman; Viviana Castro-Cepero; Jorge Luis Tejada-Soraluz; Ricardo Borjas-Ventura; Alberto Julca-Otiniano. Revista De Investigación E Innovación Agropecuaria Y De Recursos Naturales, 6(2), 37–45. Retrieved from



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