Climate change, quinoa production and farmers adaptation capacity in the bolivian altiplan

Minttu Liuhto; Geovana Mercado Ramos; Rosmery Aruquipa


  • Minttu Liuhto Tesista de maestría de la Universidad de Copenhagen.
  • Geovana Mercado Ramos Consultora de Investigación Proyecto LATINCROP, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.
  • Rosmery Aruquipa Asistente de Investigación Proyecto LATINCROP, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.


climate change, quinoa, Bolivia, Altiplano, adaptation, adaptative capacity


The Bolivian Altiplano, is a key production site for quinoa. Quinoa is the only crop that can grow in these harsh arid climatic conditions due to the higher tolerance of the crop for dry and salty soils. This arid highland is, however, highly susceptible to climate change, and the increasing drought conditions projected in the region are threatening the resilience of even this exceptionally tolerant crop. 21 communities were visited for research purposes, and in most farmers reported of already suffering from the impacts of climate change. Quinoa provides most of the livelihoods for the rural small-holder farmers in Altiplano. Losing the production, therefore, have reported to have a profound effect on the income and well-being of the farmers. Increasing global market demand of the crop and pressure for extensive production have also introduced unsustainable production methods. These are causing further soil erosion, increasing the vulnerability of the production to drought, wind and frost. Due to the slow political progress of the mitigation efforts globally, the need for adaptation is becoming unavoidable in Bolivia, and in Altiplano particular. The quinoa producing communities in southern Altiplano are equipped with limited resources and low adaptive capacity. Loss of quinoa production to drought is becoming increasingly common in Altiplano, and to ensure sustainable quinoa production in the area in the future, appropriate resources need to be leveraged at a community level. This requires strong political dedication in Bolivia for climate action, and a distribution of resources locally, with a focus on anticipatory and bottom-up adaptation strategies. A 6-step Policy Recommendation is presented in aim to address and improve the adaptive capacity of the quinoa producers in Altiplano.


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How to Cite

Liuhto, M., Mercado Ramos, G., & Aruquipa, R. (2016). Climate change, quinoa production and farmers adaptation capacity in the bolivian altiplan: Minttu Liuhto; Geovana Mercado Ramos; Rosmery Aruquipa. Revista De Investigación E Innovación Agropecuaria Y De Recursos Naturales, 3(2), 50–59. Retrieved from




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