Grain loss of cañahua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) before and after physiological maturity
Mario Coarite; Wilmer Macuchapi; Carmen R. Del Castillo Gutiérrez; Juan Pablo Rodríguez Calle; Rubén Jacobo Trigo Riveros; Hugo Bosque Sánchez; Justina Condori Mamani
cañahua, grain loss, food security, Center AltiplanoAbstract
Cañahua is considered important in the diet, compared to other Andean crops and products that Bolivia produces; besides it offers characteristics of great value, such us tolerance to low temperatures and above all that the grains are saponin-free. However, its main problem during the production is the loss of grains, which shows that it is a species in process of domestication. This research was conducted in Villa Patarani Community. Loss of grains per plant was determined before physiological maturity (pre-harvest) using collectors and/or traps for collecting fallen grains. Also grain loss during harvest (after physiological maturity) was determined and compared between three harvest methods: hand picking, sickle and pruning shears, and between six cultivars sowed in two different dates. Before physiological maturity, the date of sowing influenced the loss of grains. The loss of grains was greater in the first date (2.91%) than in the second (1.36%). Regarding harvesting methods, the method of picking had greater grain loss (2.60%), followed by the sickle method (1.67%) and the harvest with pruning shears (1.53%) which was the method with lowest loss of grains. Despite this last result, this method is not widely used by producers. During harvest, the cultivars Illimani and Kullaca showed higher grain losses (2.31 and 2.17%), whereas Umacutama cultivar showed lower losses (1.96%). During harvest, the cultivars Illimani and Kullaca had higher grain losses of 2.31 and 2.17%, while in Umacutama the loss was lower (1.96%).
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